Gut health to improve your skin – Heal your skin, heal your life
Natural products to treat problem skin and gut issues. Love the skin you’re in and feel good inside and out!
Good skin is something most people take for granted
How your skin looks on the outside directly affects how you feel on the inside
And when you have been suffering with bad skin and scars for years it can feel miserable.

Trust me I know… Hello, I’m Marie and I suffered with bad skin for what felt like forever…
Yet suffering with bad skin and lasting scars for many years may leave you:
- feeling self conscious about your skin texture and acne scars,
- spending too much money on the wrong, harsh, abrasive treatments,
- worrying about someone making comments about your skin, and
- not feeling accepted.
It can feel impossible to find a solution…
Imagine achieving your dream of great so that you can feel:
- confident about your dewey, scar free complexion,
- reassured that the products you are buying are making a difference,
- happy to go out with or without makeup on, and
- to finally feel accepted.
This is all possible with the right products that will help to diminish scarring and achieve beautiful skin tone.
The reason I can say this is because I have been where you are
So if acne scars are ruining your life then know this, there is help.
And remember that gut health plays a big part in our skin health. It is said that the gut is our “second brain” and when you consider that our skin is the largest organ in our body, is it any wonder that what happens in our gut affects are skin?
Marie Kilminster – Healed Skin Specialist
How did a self-concious girl, with acne scars ruining her life, turn things around to finally feeling confident?
I’m glad you asked. Hello, I’m Marie Kilminster and my story may sound familiar. For years I hid away because I hated my skin, how it made me feel about myself and how it would stop me doing the things I loved. I was miserable and it was exhausting feeling this way.
Hating the skin I was in
Over time and after my acne I was left with awful scars. From having bad skin and now having scars, my confidence was at an all time low. So to try and reduce the scars I tried different facial procedures such as acid peels and micro-dermabrasion.
Horrific and invasive
They all sound pretty horrific and invasive right? Well that is because they were. My skin was now…. insert how your skin was after these treatments. I was desperate to find something that would help my skin to recover and become “normal”.
Natural and healed
Fast forward a few more years and I did find something, that was not only natural, but more importantly healed my skin and reduced my scars significantly! And now I would love to share this with you.
Confident and happy
These days I can’t deny that I feel so much more confident and happy in my skin. It is a part of me and my journey and now I feel ready to share it and help others.

Free support
Download my FREE guide “How to care for scarred skin”
My recommended products to help diminish scarred skin and beautify your tone.
Further reading
The power of natural. Blog articles coming soon.